
Cookie Selector Privacy policy

Cookie Selector extension does not collect, store, or transmit any user data or browsing history. All cookie management operations are performed locally within the user’s browser. Exported cookie data is saved directly to the user’s device and is not sent to any external servers.

Cookie Selector Chrome Extension Download:

Cookie Selector Chrome extension requires access to all URLs (“”) to read and modify cookies across various domains. This broad access is necessary to provide comprehensive cookie management functionality, allowing users to view, edit, delete, export, and import cookies from any website they visit.


activeTab: "Used to access the current tab's URL to display and manage cookies for the active website."
cookies: "Required to read, write, and modify browser cookies, which is the core functionality of this extension."
downloads: "Used to export selected cookies as a JSON file for backup or transfer purposes."

Cookie Selector processes cookie data solely for the purpose of displaying, editing, and managing cookies as directed by the user. No data is collected, stored, or transmitted outside of the user’s local browser environment.

Users have full control over their cookie data at all times. The extension does not automatically modify any cookies without explicit user action. All cookie management operations are initiated and confirmed by the user.